Vietnam faces plethora of trade defense suits
Director of the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Trade Remedies Authority said Vietnam ranked 15th globally in the number of trade defense investigations between 1995 and 2019 according to WTO statistics. The Director noted three reasons for the surge in trade defense cases against Vietnam: 1) Vietnam has deeply integrated into the global economy, 2) Vietnamese goods enjoy many preferences and its increased export capacity threatens the market share of manufacturing enterprises in importing countries and 3) the world is facing an increasing trend of protectionism. It was underlined that taking advantages of 13 FTAs, Vietnam will scrap 70-100 percent of tariffs in the next 10 years
ที่มา ศูนย์ข้อมูลธุรกิจไทยในเวียดนาม สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ กรุงฮานอย
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